It was a long time coming, this walkway, wall, and garden collection. For years, the owners were forced to navigate pitted roadway that lay between their parking barn and home, walking along a crumbling wall, and steep asphalt transitions that grew steeper with each roadway resurfacing. After the transformation was finally made, peace did follow. Flowers bounded from their beds along the voyagers’ path from beginning to end, bringing beauty and serenity to the experience. A custom metal guard rail remembered the simpler days, when a rim of daylilies ornamented the slope and also protected weary travelers from any accidental trips into the stream below. A large standing stone was transferred from its outdated position, and built into the wall. Now it holds the house’s number and a light for the path. Another was selected for the barn end of the path. In the end, the path seems as if it had always been there, so well grounded, matched in style, and firmly rooted in Vermont.

Collaborators: Jared Flynn, stonework and Rich Gillis, metal work and specialty drilling, Rob Willis, faux painting